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The Risedale Way

Our approach to behaviour at Risedale

Risedale Way Banner (1146 x 500 px)

In order to establish and maintain a safe, caring and orderly learning environment pupils follow 'The Risedale Way' - our approach to behaviour at Risedale.

We have 3 clear expectations - all pupils will:

  1. Be ready and equipped to learn
  2. Respect themselves and all others
  3. Always do their best

Risedale Sanctions

At Risedale, our sanctions are closely aligned with the stepped approach for managing behaviour, as outlined in the Behaviour Policy. All sanctions are a response to pupils who have chosen to display poor conduct. Sanctions will be proportionate and fair. Responses may vary according to the age of the pupil and any other special circumstances that affect the pupil, such as SEN.

Risedale is part of the local community. It is important to us as a family that we all work together and that the community recognises the fantastic work our staff and pupils do. Behaviour to and from school, as well as any during the holidays, which gives our family a poor reputation, will also be dealt with under our behaviour policy. It isn’t just you letting yourself down when you misbehave in the community, you are letting your Risedale family down too!

Home School Partnership Agreement:

We ask that every pupil and their parents/carers sign the Home School Partnership Agreement as a commitment to all work together to achieve success, with each party having an equally important part to play in the partnership.

Code of Conduct:

Our Code of Conduct is a very simple set of rules which outlines why good behaviour and discipline are key foundations for good education. Without an orderly atmosphere, effective teaching and learning cannot take place. We expect and insist on the highest standards of behaviour throughout our school. Courtesy, good manners and consideration for others, together with self-discipline and proper respect for authority, are encouraged at all times and are important if we are to make our school a true, caring community.

In order to establish and maintain safe, caring and orderly environments for purposeful learning, we all:

  • are punctual;
  • allow others to learn and teachers to teach;
  • come prepared for work and are properly equipped;
  • treat one another with politeness, courtesy and respect;
  • act on reasonable requests;
  • respect school buildings and environment and are careful of others’ property;
  • are consistent and fair in our responses to unacceptable behaviour.

Every member of our school community has the right to learn, work and take part in the wider life of our school free from prejudice or discrimination of any kind.

As members of Risedale School, all pupils have a duty to:

  • Report incidents of inappropriate behaviour or actions which encourage prejudice or discrimination. This might include racist or homophobic bullying.
  • To contribute to learning and teaching so that all pupils may access opportunities that lead to spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. This includes respect and sensitivity towards others, interpersonal skills such as empathy and consideration for the needs of others in a group situation.
  • Report concerns about any pupil or friend whose behaviour towards other people leaves you worried that they are not accepting of others. Report concerns regarding antisocial or criminal behaviour.
  • Appropriately challenge pupil responses where there are incidences of prejudice, discrimination or extremism so that all may learn in a safe environment.
  • Seek help or support wherever a pupil feels uncomfortable or concerned about an issue so that all members of the school community may flourish.