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Recommended revision and additional learning links:

Year 11 Revision Sessions

There are a significant number of revision sessions taking place for our Y11 pupils each day at school. Please encourage your child to attend as many revision sessions as possible. These additional study opportunities are essential to help pupils perform better in their exams. Any questions please contact Mr Yates, at

Dates and times are live and may be updated, so check back regularly:

  • Y11 Revision Sessions Timetable. (Tutor time, lunchtime and after-school).
  • Year 11 Revision Strategies Presentation: This presentation, from the English and Maths drop-down session held on Friday 13th December, focuses on three key revision strategies: Flash Cards, Knowledge Checkers, and Past Paper Questions. It includes valuable tips on how to use these methods effectively >>Year 11 Revision Strategies Session | 13/12/2024

>> You can download a FREE Revision Timetable Maker / Study Planner from Get Revising to assist you with your revision planning.

Revision Links & Learning Resources

Past Papers and Mark Schemes

Past Papers and Mark Schemes

Find past papers, mark schemes and practice materials to help you prepare for exams. Choose an exam board to get started...

BBC Bitesize

BBC Bitesize provides learner guides for revision topics.

Cool Geography Revision Zone

​Cool Geography has a great revision zone that offers resources to help you revise for tests and assessments.

Focus eLearning

Design and Technology revision resources.


Kerboodle is an online platform which provides a variety of digital resources and revision materials.

MFL Resources

MFL Resources

Suggested online learning platforms and revision websites for French and German.

Oak National Academy

Oak National Academy provides video lessons and resources for teachers and pupils to use to complement their usual methods of teaching and learning.

Project GCSE

​Project GCSE provides revision notes and practice questions.


More than 95% of pupils who learn with Quizlet reported an improvement in their results. See how Quizlet’s tools can help you learn anything.

Revision World

Free GCSE revision resources for a range of subjects including, English, French, Geography, History, ICT, Maths, PE, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Spanish and RS. Revision World are constantly updating their content so keep checking back.

RS Revision

Revision resources for Religious Studies and Religion, Philosophy and Ethics (RPE).

Save My Exams

Over 10,000 exam questions organised by the exam board and topic with model answers and revision notes.


Seneca offers over 250 free online A-Level, GCSE, KS3 & KS2 courses​ helping with revision and learning.

Technology Student .com

This website contains numerous information sheets and exercises to enhance the study, understanding and teaching of DESIGN and TECHNOLOGY. ENGINEERING is a major aspect of this website.


Vark offers a guide to learning styles.