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Year 7 River Field Trip

16/07/2024 School Trips

Year 7 geographers swapped the classroom for a real-life investigation to find out more about rivers at Cottages Beck.

This half term Year 7 geographers have been diving deep into the world of rivers! To bring their classroom learning to life, we took each class on a short trip down to Cottages Beck in Hipswell where they witnessed firsthand the concepts they'd been exploring.

They investigated the difference between permeable and impermeable ground, explored how floodplains are formed and discussed what data they could collect at the location and how this data would be analysed back in the classroom to understand how a river changes along its course.

The trip also sparked discussions about land use around rivers. Pupils considered why some buildings are built close to the river while others are located further away.

This field trip provided a valuable opportunity for Year 7 geographers to bridge the gap between theory and practice. Well done Year 7!

Mr Sherwood, Senior Teacher.