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Year 10 Army Residential

23/05/2024 School Trips

Year 10 Risedale pupils take on a challenge: Discover what skills they learned on their action-packed Army adventure!

In May, twenty-two Year 10 Risedale School pupils embarked on an action-packed adventure at Warcop Camp in Cumbria. This four-day residential trip, part of the British Army Supporting Education (BASE) programme, saw them push their limits and develop valuable skills.

The BASE program isn't just about learning army drills.  Risedale's participants gained a deeper understanding of the British Army's core values – discipline, integrity, loyalty, and courage.  These values became the foundation for a series of challenges designed to build life skills and personal qualities.

Pupils learned practical skills like packing and carrying their kit with a Bergen (a military backpack), essential for any soldier on the move. They also tackled the art of survival, from pitching tents to applying camouflage and preparing meals with limited resources.

But the learning went beyond the basics. The trip incorporated problem-solving activities on the ranges, requiring teamwork and strategic thinking.  They even faced a rigorous kit inspection, a chance to learn the importance of organisation and preparedness.

A big congratulations to Karysha Arissol, Aimee Bell, Freya Carter, Jona Carter, Lily-May Cartwright, Keira-Leigh Chape, Lillie Clayton, Isabelle Dagnall, Paige Doak, Oscar Earnshaw, Danny Gillan, Poppy Levitt, Kalob McLoughlin, Kai-Leigh Paige, Thomas Randall, Paighton Simpson, Matthew Tiley, Tallulah-Grace Tomlinson, Sera Vimataki, Damien Walker, Kieran Warburton, Ethan Watkins-Brown.

Here’s what some of our pupils had to say about their experience:

Freya CarterFreya Carter (10Hill): "The trip was really fun and educational. At first, I was scared and thought the staff would be very strict, but as the days went on and we learned more, I realised the Army might be the place for me. The staff were so welcoming and took the time to get to know us as individuals. They even joined in with evening activities, and if you didn't understand something, they wouldn't single you out - they helped us one-on-one. They talked to us about how to join the Army and the benefits you could get. They also taught us all about the different aspects of Army life."


Ethan Watkins-BrownEthan Watkins-Brown (10Ford): “I feel this trip gave me a good idea of what Army life is really like and helped me understand it better. Before the trip, I thought all the staff would be strict and the rules would be really strict too, but it wasn't like that at all. All the staff members were welcoming and listened whenever we needed something or wanted to ask questions. Whenever we did a new activity, they always gave us a demonstration so we could understand it, like how to make your bed properly or put up a basher. They also talked to us about the benefits of being in the Army and how much support they give you. They even told us about all the different jobs you can do in the Army. I've always thought about joining the Army, and I think this trip has definitely made me consider going to Harrogate College and joining the military."


Kai-Leigh PaigeKai-Leigh Paige (10Houlgate): "I think this residential trip definitely gave us all a good look at what Army life is really like. On the bus ride there, I was a bit scared the staff would be strict since they're in the Army, but they were so nice and welcoming to us all. During the evenings, we did some activities like watching movies and playing cards. They made sure everyone had a say and taught us many things, like how to make our beds properly and how to pack our Bergens. At the end of the trip, they also gave us a PowerPoint presentation about all the different jobs we could do in the military. I think this trip made me want to join the Army even more, and I'm looking forward to joining the Army preparation college in Harrogate."


Poppy LevittPoppy Levitt (10Ford): "This trip is something I would definitely do again! I already go to cadets, so I had an idea of what the residential would be like, and I knew I'd enjoy it right away. It was great to meet and spend time with other pupils I hadn't spoken to before, and we all got along well. I found the activities challenging, but not impossible. The staff were so friendly and not strict at all. We learned some important lessons on how to make your bed properly and keep your uniform neat and presentable. The fieldcraft exercise was probably my favourite and most enjoyable part of the whole trip. Making a tent and sleeping area was fun. The weather was so hot, and I was so tired I had to take a nap during our break. Thankfully, we didn't have to sleep outside in the end, although I wouldn't have minded because it would have been a whole new experience I would've loved. Tuesday was my favourite day on the whole trip. Harrogate College sounded interesting to me, but I'd like to experience more Army life activities first or be in cadets for at least a year to get my first star before I think about going away for a long time."