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Sports Day 2023

06/07/2023 Top News

Risedale pupils were out in force at the Catterick Athletics Stadium on Thursday 6th July. As well as the traditional track and field events, pupils could participate in a whole host of other exciting activities including an inflatable assault course, sumo wrestling, jousting, zorb football, cheerleading, gymnastics, a gun run, tyre drag and more! It was a fabulous occasion watched by lots of VIP parents and carers.

Congratulations to ATTENBOROUGH HOUSE on their first-ever Sports Day victory!

House System and Rewards Manager, Mr Hindhaugh said,

”It was a brilliant day and I was so proud of all the pupils. A fantastic effort everyone! Seeing so many pupils willing to 'give it a go' to earn points for their House was great, especially those who took part in the dreaded 800m!”

The final Sports Day results were as follows:

  • 1st Attenborough ๐Ÿ’™ with 1640 points

  • 2nd Pankhurst ๐Ÿ’œ with 1305 points

  • 3rd Turing โค๏ธ with 1288 points

  • 4th Seacole ๐Ÿงก with 1173 points

Deputy Headteacher, Mr Yates expressed his gratitude by saying,

“Thank you all for your support in making our Sports Day such a lovely event, and in particular to the PE department and the team around them whose organisation was, as always, absolutely spot on. It was great to see so many happy, smiling pupils, engaged in such a wide range of activities.”

Head of PE, Miss Brierley wanted to say,

“Thank you to EVERYONE from the PE department, we couldn’t do it without everyone pulling together. Every member of staff at Risedale has an input into the planning and running of a long day. Thank you to Catterick Athletics Stadium for hosting us, to all the parents/carers that came along and showed their support and to the Army who always help to make the day such a great event for our pupils. Huge congratulations to the competitors - you were all AMAZING!!!”

A big thank you must also go to Tesco and Julie- Community Champion Catterick for the donation of water for the pupils for our Sports Day.

#TeamRisedale ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿงกโค๏ธ