Calling all problem-solvers! Risedale School announces exciting new initiative to develop critical thinking skills across the curriculum.
Problem-solving has always been at the heart of the mathematics curriculum at Risedale School. On the back of recent success with the UKMT Maths Challenge, Risedale has now been recognised as a 'Problem-Solving School', in partnership with the University of Cambridge NRICH Project. By signing up for ‘The Problem-solving Schools Charter', Risedale is now committed to developing problem-solving skills in maths lessons, and from September, outside the classroom and across the whole school.
Plans are already underway to start a problem-solving club in Year 7 and Mr Carter will be working with other departments to ensure that problem-solving is an essential part of every subject's curriculum.
Mathematical curiosity does not have to stop outside of school time. Please visit the link for Secondary Parents if you would like to access some resources at home that are guaranteed to stimulate interest in this subject while remaining connected to the national curriculum.
Here is one of Mr Carter’s favourite puzzles to give you a flavour of the type of problems we will be tackling.