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Risedale ‘GOOD’ Again - Ofsted 2019

Ofsted confirms Risedale Sports & Community College's continued success.


Students and staff at Risedale Sports and Community College in Catterick are celebrating after Ofsted has once again rated the school 'Good', recognising its continued success.

Inspectors described how "Pupils enjoy coming to Risedale Sports and Community College because it is a caring community". The school's Senior Leadership Team has, "thought hard about how they can help pupils achieve well and enjoy learning."

Risedale was inspected by Ofsted under section 5 of the Education Act 2005 over two days on Wednesday 13th and Thursday 14th November 2019. The glowing report which followed saw the school being judged as 'Good' in all four areas of appraisal which includes; The Quality of Education; Behaviour and Attitudes; Personal Development; Leadership and Management.

Inspectors noted the school's positive and nurturing culture saying that pupils "are happy and feel safe in school'' highlighting that "They know staff want them to achieve well and will provide support if they need help".

The report also showed that teaching and learning provision for students continues to improve and that "the key stage 3 curriculum is preparing them well for further study". Praise was given to English and Maths for their improving results saying that "In these subjects, and most others, teachers build pupils' knowledge carefully over time". Since the last inspection Risedale's facilities and curriculum have expanded enabling the school to deliver a diverse range of subjects - now including Drama, French and Media Studies. There is also a modern cutting-edge Music Technology suite as well as an extensive and growing programme of extra-curricular activities.

Situated in Catterick Garrison, North Yorkshire, Risedale Sports and Community College has one of the largest proportions of students from families in the services (over 48 per cent) of any secondary school in the UK. Ofsted praised Risedale for the way it welcomed new pupils, recognising how important a positive start was for students that joined mid-way through the academic year often from service families. Parents spoke positively about this and the inspectors quoted one parent in the report as saying "I was very impressed with how the school receives new students, making them feel comfortable and welcomed."

The subject of behaviour and exclusion is something that has recently been well reported in relation to Risedale. Ofsted praised the school for its approach, highlighting Risedale's compassionate and inclusive methodology saying that "Leaders and staff do not give up on pupils who misbehave. They exhaust all avenues before thinking about fixed-period or permanent exclusion as a sanction. Staff have introduced a wide range of support measures to help pupils manage their emotions and build confidence".

Risedale Principal Colin Scott explained that "tenacity and resilience have become an integral part of our school's ethos, something that has been successfully bought into by students, staff and parents alike. Our students come from a variety of backgrounds, which has shaped a diverse, nurturing and broad learning environment. We will not give up on our pupils".

In response to the report, Principal Scott said: "I am delighted that Ofsted has recognised all the excellent work happening here at Risedale by our staff and students, and that our school has been justifiably recognised as 'GOOD'. There were many comments that I was delighted to read within the report but for me, the first line truly reassured me that the inspectors were able to see the real 'Risedale Family' as we like to call it". "Pupils enjoy coming to Risedale Sports and Community College because it is a caring community".

Ofsted previously rated Risedale 'Good' in November 2015. This latest inspection was a full check on the school's performance in a very different, and more challenging in places, inspection regime. It confirms the success of the school, which continues to be on a positive forward path.

The report highlights a number of other key areas:

    • "Pupils' attendance has risen steadily and is now above the national average."
    • The school has a strong and effective culture of safeguarding. "Pupils say they can speak to and trust an adult in school if they have a concern" and say "they feel safe at school".
    • Staff report any safeguarding concerns promptly and the "curriculum helps pupils understand how to stay safe, including when online".
    • Staff provide effective support for those with additional needs and "Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) achieve well".

Since Risedale's last inspection:

    • Attendance at Risedale has risen by 3.5%
    • Exclusions are currently zero
    • The school population has increased by 28% and is currently 535 pupils (up from 418)
    • Staff support continues with no compulsory redundancies despite a challenging budget
    • Reinvigorated Armed Forces Covenant resulting in even stronger military ties


Click here to view Ofsted Report 2019

Click here to view the letter to parents regarding the outcome of the inspection.