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Restart a Heart Day ❤️

16/10/2024 Top News

Year 7 pupils at Risedale School take part in life-saving Restart a Heart Day.

On Wednesday 16th October, Risedale School's Year 7 pupils participated in Restart a Heart Day, a nationwide initiative aimed at teaching individuals the life-saving skill of CPR. The event was led by volunteers from the Yorkshire Ambulance Service and North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue who guided pupils through hands-on training.

Cardiac arrest is a serious medical emergency that occurs when the heart suddenly stops beating. Early CPR and defibrillation can significantly increase survival rates. By equipping young people with these skills, Risedale School is empowering them to potentially save lives.

"We believe that every pupil should have the opportunity to learn CPR," said Ms Dunphy, Head of Social Studies. "It's a skill that can be used anywhere, at any time, and could make the difference between life and death."

Restart a Heart Day is an annual event organised by the Resuscitation Council UK, in partnership with the British Heart Foundation, British Red Cross, St John Ambulance, the Association of Ambulance Chief Executives, and NHS England. The initiative aims to raise awareness of cardiac arrest and encourage more people to learn CPR.  

Risedale School has a long-standing commitment to teaching CPR to its pupils. The school's Year 7 pupils have been participating in Restart a Heart Day for several years, and the programme has proven to be highly effective.

Ms Dunphy added, "By equipping our pupils with the knowledge and skills to perform CPR, we are not only contributing to the overall health and wellbeing of our community but are also fostering a culture of compassion and responsibility. This exemplifies one of our school's five Pillars of Success by encouraging our pupils to, 'Nurture kindness and empathy for others.'"

Find out how to become #CPRConfident -