Pupils dazzle with their creative interpretations of "New Beginnings," with all entries showcased and top performers from each Key Stage receiving prizes.
Entries to the Autumn Term Art Competition on the theme of ‘New Beginnings’ were truly inspiring. Pupils from all year groups showcased their creativity and imagination through a variety of mediums including painting, pencil and ink drawing, pastel work, digital media, collage and embroidery. It was wonderful to see all of the different ways that pupils had interpreted the theme; there were vibrant landscapes depicting the dawn of a new day, symbolic mesmerising patterns reflecting transformation and imagery that represented the birth of new life in the natural world.
Mrs Greenwood and Ms Westwood were amazed by the pupils' unique perspectives and artistic skills and so it was decided that ALL entries would be displayed in the gallery area for visitors, staff and pupils to enjoy, with five stand-out prize-winning entries from each Key Stage also winning prizes for their contributions. Well done to all pupils who took the time to create and contribute!
“I am so grateful to all our pupils who took the time to create these wonderful works of art for my office foyer/gallery.” commented Mrs Greenwood, “It was so hard to select the prize-winners, as everyone produced something unique that offered a different perspective and depth and meaning. I am excited to get these pieces up and some will be displayed in my office so I can proudly share them with visitors in my meetings.”
- 1st Place: Paris Johnson (8Conway)
- 2nd Place: Taya McKee (8Laheney)
- 3rd Place: Harmonie Tobie (7Dovaston)
- HIGHLY COMMENDED: Mabel Thirlwell (8Metcalfe) and Frankie Cook (8Dean)
- 1st Place: Charlotte Swift (10Bennett)
- 2nd Place: Taufa Makasiale (10Sandell)
- 3rd Place: Meadow Moon (10Shephard)
- HIGHLY COMMENDED: Tyler-Leigh Todd-Parry (11Miller) and Kaydee Smith (10Bennett)