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Times of the Day

The School Day

The Risedale School teaching day starts promptly at 08:30 with all pupils in their form classroom to receive the daily briefing and welfare check by their form tutors. Pupils must be lined up outside of their own form room for 08:30 each morning where their form tutor will greet them. Pupils must not arrive in the school yard prior to 08:15 each day.

The school day will end for all pupils at 15:00, unless they are attending interventions or are attending school clubs. The few pupils who may have received a detention that day will not leave school until 15:30.

Total = 6.5hrs per day or 32.5hrs per week.

Timetable 6 x 50 minute lessons
Pupils enter school and line up outside form rooms 08:20 - 08:30
Tutor Time 08:30 - 08:50
Period 1 08:50 - 09:40
Period 2 09:40 - 10:30
Break 10:30 - 10:50
Period 3 10:50 - 11:40
Period 4 11:40 - 12:30
Lunch 12:30 - 13:20
Period 5 13:20 - 14:10
Period 6 14:10 - 15:00