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Health and Wellbeing

Welcome to our dedicated health and wellbeing page

We hope the resources and information on this page will be helpful to everyone in the Risedale Family.

Health and Wellbeing Banner

Supporting Mental Health and Wellbeing at Risedale

Meet our School Counsellor Lisa Smith

Lisa Smith is our School Counsellor and the Senior Mental Health Lead at Risedale School. She works full-time, during term-time, with pupils offering 1:1 counselling sessions, providing early help for any mental health issues. Lisa also provides support for our staff as everyone's wellbeing is important at Risedale. A happy school is a successful school!

Pupil Mental Health Ambassadors

Our Pupil Mental Health Ambassadors are a dedicated group of pupils passionate about promoting positive mental health and wellbeing for everyone at Risedale. They work on exciting initiatives like the Google Classroom for wellbeing, which allows pupils to share ideas and collaborate on ways to create a supportive school environment. They also organise events like assemblies and are actively involved in shaping school policy.

If you're interested in mental health and giving back to your school community, consider joining the Pupil Mental Health Ambassadors!


Staff Wellbeing Champions

Here at Risedale School, we care about every part of our pupils' lives and so we have developed a dedicated team of staff to act as a support network for when times get tough. All members of the 'Risedale Family' can be approached at any time. Wellbeing is key.

Your Wellbeing Champions at Risedale are Ms Benson, Mrs Deighton, Mr Gunnell and our School Counsellor Lisa Smith.

Mini Marketplace

The 'Mini Marketplace' offers social and emotional mental health support for children and young people in North Yorkshire. Click the image below to access this resource.

Mini Marketplace Jan 2024 V2


Supporting your child's medical needs at Risedale:

Our staff are here to help pupils and families with their medical needs whilst at Risedale. We offer support on a day-to-day basis, working alongside our Senior Leadership Team to ensure that Healthcare Plans for pupils with more specific needs are met appropriately. Many of our staff are trained in first aid and receive regular and ongoing training.

If you would like to discuss any matters regarding your child's medical needs and how we can best support them at school please feel free to the Risedale reception 01748 83350.

Parents and carers are responsible for:

  • Keeping the school informed about any changes to their child/children's health.
  • Completing a parental agreement for the school to administer medicine form before bringing medication into school.
  • Providing the school with the medication their child requires and keeping it up to date.
  • Collecting any leftover medicine at the end of the course or year.
  • Discussing medications with their child/children prior to requesting that a staff member administers the medication.
  • Where necessary, developing an Individual Healthcare Plan (IHCP) for their child in collaboration with the Headteacher, other staff members and healthcare professionals.

The following document may be of help to you and also contains some of our medical consent forms:

> > For information regarding Attendance, Absence and Punctuality please visit our dedicated website page.

Other general resources

The Children's Society

The Children's Society has an extensive range of support materials available for young people, parents and schools including: Mental health and wellbeing A‑Z | Anxiety and OCD | Depression and Mood | Loneliness | Emotional Resilience | Mental Resilience | County Lines and Criminal Exploitation.

  • Criminal Exploitation is when individuals or gangs target children and force them to carry out criminal activity. Exploiters may force young people to deal drugs, steal, commit violent or sexual acts and traffic them.
  • County Lines is the term used for the organised criminal distribution of drugs from the big cities into smaller towns and rural areas using children and vulnerable people. Although cannabis is occasionally linked to the county lines organisations, it is harder drugs that provide the focus: heroin, cocaine, and amphetamines.


BUZZ US is an anonymous and confidential text-messaging service for young people aged 11-18 in North Yorkshire where you can speak to a worker of Compass Phoenix to receive advice, support and signposting for any mental health and wellbeing issues you may have.

The number for BUZZ US is 07520 631168.

Crisis Support

Crisis Support

The following links provide information and crisis support contacts for the Christmas holidays.

Internet Matters: Wellbeing apps for kids

Helping your child manage their health and wellbeing is a top priority for many, which is why so many apps exist for this. Internet Matters has identified some of the best and most popular wellbeing and mindfulness apps for you and your family.

From recognising emotions to practising mediation techniques, these apps offer a range of ways to manage wellbeing. You can access this resource HERE.

My Teen Brain:

Click here to view your copy of ‘My Teen Brain’, a really helpful leaflet for parents/carers and young people to find out more about the teenage brain.

The ‘My Teen Brain’ initiative aims to highlight what happens in the teenage brain which, in conjunction with experience and environment, can affect many aspects of teenage behaviours, including emotions, relationships, behaviours, sleep and attitudes to risk.

Further information can be found at