GCSE Examination Certificates Summer 2024
Former pupils are welcome to collect their GCSE Examination Certificates Summer 2024 in person by appointment. Please contact our Exams Officer, Mrs Whitfield, at whitfield.aj@risedale.org.uk to make your appointment.
If you need someone else to collect your certificates for you, we need your written PERMISSION and they will need to bring identification. Please see the full details in the following LETTER, which has been emailed to all Summer 2024 leavers.
GCSE Examinations 2024-2025
The official timetable for written examinations for GCSEs and vocational courses in summer 2025 can be viewed here: GCSE Examinations Timetable 2025 including NEAs
The examination period for written examinations runs from Thursday 8th May until Wednesday 25th June.
The dates for written examinations are agreed nationally and cannot be changed by the school - pupils must attend at the correct date and time.
National Contingency Days:
- Wednesday 11th June - PM
- Wednesday 25th June - All Day
The awarding bodies have designated these dates as 'national contingency’ sessions for examinations in the event of any national or local disruption to examinations. Pupils must be available up to and including the final date in case of any rescheduling.
For some subjects, non-examination assessments must also be completed. Some of these are carried out purely within lesson time, some are timetabled separately. Pupils must attend their allocated slots for these.
GCSE Results Day Summer 2025
GCSE Results Day will take place on Thursday 21 August 2025.
JCQ, Ofqual and Awarding Body Information for Pupils and Parents
JCQ, Ofqual and the awarding bodies provide lots of useful information for pupils and parents about examinations, wellbeing and exam stress, results and post-results services.
Other resources for pupils regarding managing exam stress can be found on our dedicated Health & Wellbeing website page.
Examination Certificates
The school is holding examination certificates for last summer (2023) and a number of years prior to that and would like to pass them on where possible.
Former pupils are welcome to collect certificates by making an appointment with the Exams Officer (contact whitfield.aj@risedale.org.uk)..
If you need someone else to collect your certificates for you, we need your written permission and they will need to bring identification. Please see the full details in the following LETTER, which has an example permission slip.
JCQ regulations state that certificates should be kept for 12 months, after which, if they remain uncollected, they may be disposed of securely.
We hope you will make every effort to collect your certificates as they are important documents which provide confirmation of your achievements. Most educational institutions and employers will ask to see your original certificates before offering you a place or job. If you lose or fail to collect your certificates you will need to obtain duplicates from the relevant Awarding Body. The Awarding Bodies no longer replace certificates unless you can prove they were destroyed by fire, theft or flood; they will only issue a Certified Statement of Results. This currently costs up to £57 per statement, depending on the Awarding Body.
Examination-specific policies can be found in the Policies area of the school website.
These include our Internal Appeals Policy which clarifies the procedure in the event of the school not supporting a request by a pupil/parents for post-results services and also appeals after receiving the results of a review of marking for external qualifications.