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Attendance, Absence and Punctuality

Attendance Matters: It's a focus for everyone.

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Attendance and Absence

Good attendance leads to good progress and achievement. Always aim for 100% attendance.

We all know that good attendance matters and that regular school attendance maximises learning potential. Pupils who regularly attend school make better progress socially and academically. We want to give every young person the chance to be successful and good attendance is key to this. Regular and prompt attendance forms the basis of our Attendance Policy

It is the responsibility of the parent/carer to make sure their child is punctual and attends school every day. We monitor all pupils’ attendance and punctuality closely every week.

The following document from the DfE provides guidance for both parents and the school about Working together to improve school attendance.

It is usually appropriate for parents and carers to send their children to school with mild respiratory illnesses. This would include general cold symptoms: a minor cough, runny nose or sore throat. However, children should not be sent to school if they have a temperature of 38°C or above. If you are unsure if you should send your child to school please visit, you can also check the Healthier Together website for further advice if you are concerned about your child's health.

Holidays should only be taken during school holidays. Under DfE guidance, the Headteacher may only grant a leave of absence in exceptional circumstances.

Reporting an absence: If a pupil is unwell and cannot attend school we ask that a parent/carer inform the school and leave a message before 8:30 am on each day of absence.

To do this, parents/carers can either telephone the school on 01748 833501 and select option 1 to report an absence OR send an email to By phone or email, please include the following information:

  • Parent/carer's first name and surname
  • Pupil's first name and surname
  • Pupil’s tutor group
  • Nature of illness
  • Approximately how long the illness may last


Pupils are expected to arrive at school on time and be ready for Tutor Time at 8.30 am. Click here for the Times of the School Day. Pupils should be punctual and go straight to their lessons.

Registration will take place during Tutor Time at 8.30am and also within 5 minutes of the start of every teaching period. Persistent lateness and truancy will result in sanctions.

If a child arrives late they will be required to sign in at reception. Pupils arriving after 9.30 am without an acceptable reason will be marked as an unauthorised absence. 10 or more late marks could lead to a fixed penalty notice.

If you have any questions or concerns about your child’s attendance, please contact Mrs Cox (Senior Teacher responsible for Attendance) at  

Appointments and signing out, illness and accidents, lunchtimes

Appointments and signing out: Any pupil who needs to leave the premises during the school day, for any reason, will need a letter from their parent/carer and must sign out at the main reception. We ask that medical appointments are ideally made outside school hours. However, if a pupil does need to leave school to attend a medical appointment they must bring in a note from their doctor/dentist or have an appointment card/text. Pupils should return to school as soon as possible after their appointment and must remember to sign in again.

Illness and Accidents: If a pupil feels unwell they must inform a member of staff and they will be sent to the main office. If a pupil is unable to continue with their lessons their parent/carer will be contacted. Whilst the school has a number of qualified first aiders who can deal with emergencies, we do not have a school nurse based on site. Pupils who report as ill will be assessed and where necessary parents will be informed or an ambulance called. On no account should a pupil take it upon themselves to leave a lesson or the school premises without authorised permission from their parent and without following the correct signing out procedure.

Lunchtimes: All pupils are to remain on-site at lunchtime.

Attendance Matters - Days in School

Attendance Why important for web


Attendance - Every minute counts for web